Privacy Policy

Who We Are

The website is run by Gary Jugert 303-984-0777 in the United States.


This site does not accept comments. You should be playing harmonica and stop posting on the internet. Unplug … after downloading whatever song you want.


Everything on here is either public domain, or owned by Gary Jugert. If you plan to do anything fishy with the material you find here, email me first. I’ll probably be okay with it, but if you plan on selling my stuff, I will hunt you down and start dating your sister. She’ll love me, you will not. If you think you own something on this site, please let me know and I will take it down if appropriate.


I’m pretty sure there are no cookies associated with this site. I certainly don’t know enough about this WordPress platform to know if it does anything besides show you some harmonica stuff.

Embedded Content from YouTube

I post videos from YouTube on this site. Google is probably in the process of gathering all kinds of data about you so they can sell it to everybody in the universe. No matter how great these arrangements are, they will not stop Google from being Google. Maybe don’t be on the internet if this concerns you.

Who We Share Your Data With

Nobody. Not even sure why anybody would want harmonica player data.

Your Data

If you sign up for the newsletter, we will have your name and your email address. If you unsubscribe, your name and email address will be removed from the site.